
Documentation for ManifestUtilities.

ManifestUtilities.prune_manifest โ€” Method
prune_manifest(io::IO; kwargs...)

Parse the given project and manifest, and generate a new manifest that only includes packages that are direct or indirect (recursive) dependencies of the given project. The new manifest is printed to the given IO.

Required Keyword Arguments

You must specify one (and exactly one) of project and project_filename. Similarly, you must specify one (and exactly one) of manifest and manifest_filename.

  • project::Union{AbstractString, IO}: the contents of the input Project.toml file
  • project_filename::AbstractString: the filename of the input Project.toml file
  • manifest::Union{AbstractString, IO}: the contents of the input Manifest.toml file
  • manifest_filename::AbstractString: the filename of the input Manifest.toml file
ManifestUtilities.prune_manifest โ€” Method
prune_manifest(; kwargs...) --> new_manifest::AbstractString

Parse the given project and manifest, and generate a new manifest that only includes packages that are direct or indirect (recursive) dependencies of the given project. The new manifest is returned as an AbstractString.

Required Keyword Arguments

You must specify one (and exactly one) of project and project_filename. Similarly, you must specify one (and exactly one) of manifest and manifest_filename.

  • project::Union{AbstractString, IO}: the contents of the input Project.toml file
  • project_filename::AbstractString: the filename of the input Project.toml file
  • manifest::Union{AbstractString, IO}: the contents of the input Manifest.toml file
  • manifest_filename::AbstractString: the filename of the input Manifest.toml file